Various Interviews with Lowell Cauffiel
- 7-25-2023 “Soul of Detroit – Lowell Cauffiel – YouTube”
- 5-8-2023 FreshFiction “Lowell Cauffiel | Find the Woman”
- 4-27-2023 BuzzBlog “Interview with Crime Novelist Lowell Cauffiel”
- 11-22-2022 Soul of Detroit “Best-selling author Lowell Cauffiel joins ML, Shawn Windsor and Marc Fellhauer to tell a tale eerily reminiscent of a recent murder”
- 2013 Producer-Director Duo Jonathan Heap & Lowell Cauffiel Support the Midnight Mission
- 2019 Lowell Cauffiel discusses House of Secrets, Eddie Lee – a Sadistic, Incestuous Monster & Father
- 2013 Part 1 Hollywood, Health & Society Panel Discussion – Addiction: Fact & Fiction
Primary Sources Channel
Summary Below, Scroll this Page for Videos or Click on Links
- 7-19-2024 Lowell Cauffiel at Norman’s Rare Guitars
- 4-17-2023 On Location in his new crime novel, BELOW THE LINE
- 2-1-2023 Jeff Beck Interview, Rare, Unheard — 1975 Blow by Blow Tour
- 2014 A behind the scenes look at MEN IN A BOX, the short film written and directed by Lowell Cauffiel and produced by Primary Purpose Productions.
- 2015 MEN IN A BOX Trailer
- 2013 A short Film on the making of “Gimme a Hit” the song from Bed Ridden.